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X-ray Crystallography
Product updates // 05.05.2021
The DECTRIS-powered hybrid-pixel camera announced as a low-voltage partner to the Gatan's GIF Continuum® K3® product line
Featured labs // 18.02.2021
Continuous scan with a twist: give your old powder diffractometer new value! Photron-X tells us how…
Product updates // 18.02.2021
Increased frame rates and vacuum compatibility
Featured labs // 08.02.2021
Prof. Spingler tells us about his research, the crystallography service lab, some samples, and PILATUS3
Corporate news // 09.01.2021
Swiss company DECTRIS Ltd. launches a subsidiary in Japan to assure the best possible customer service and support.
Product updates // 17.12.2020
ELDICO will implement DECTRIS hybrid-pixel electron detector in its dedicated electron diffractometer.
Corporate news // 16.11.2020
Employee culture: (one of) DECTRIS’ most important assets
Medical // 08.11.2020
A recent peer-reviewed publication by Dr. Huber et al. (2020) introduces a new radiographic setup for better diagnosis and monitoring of crystal-related arthropathies (CRAs).
Product updates // 05.11.2020
Gatan’s new Stela Camera integrates DECTRIS hybrid-pixel electron detector to enable the mainstream adoption of the 4D STEM diffraction technique.
Success Stories // 28.10.2020
Fast and affordable synchrotron PXRD measurements of industrial scale volumes of samples? Mineralogist and entrepreneur Jarkko Stenman tells how.

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