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X-ray Crystallography
Corporate news // 26.11.2021
Swiss Employer Award 2021 recognizes DECTRIS – again!
Featured beamlines // 25.10.2021
The MSPD beamline continues to perform its PXRD and PDF measurements with a new, multi-modular MYTHEN2 detector.
Corporate news // 27.09.2021
DECTRIS is celebrating its 15th anniversary. What did we achieve and what new horizons do we have our eyes on?
Product updates // 24.09.2021
In a series of webinars, we brought you the best of high-energy research with CdTe detectors. Today we share with you our CdTe journey.
Corporate news // 09.08.2021
From product manager of Specific Solutions to the head of the sales team: this physicist knows how to help customers.
Product updates // 02.08.2021
Gatan-DECTRIS Stela hybrid-pixel camera for 4D STEM dazzles the jury.
Featured beamlines // 16.07.2021
Dr. Michael Hanfland discusses extreme condition experiments at ID15B beamline at ESRF.
Featured beamlines // 14.07.2021
Scientists, diplomats and UNESCO representatives inaugurate the Materials Science beamline.
Corporate news // 06.07.2021
CTO Matthias Schneebeli to become DECTRIS CEO; founder Christian Brönnimann remains board chairman
Featured beamlines // 12.05.2021
Dr. Jonathan Wright from the ESRF shares his first experiences with one of our EIGER2 X CdTe 4M detectors.

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