X-ray Techniques  /  Pair Distribution Function (PDF) Analysis / Total Scattering

Pair Distribution Function (PDF) Analysis / Total Scattering

Pair Distribution Function Analysis (Total Scattering) takes into account diffuse scattering and Bragg diffraction, so it poses strict experimental requirements. Photon-counting detectors have helped the concept evolve into a high-throughput, high-quality, and high-interest technique at synchrotrons and in laboratories.

One of the major requirements for obtaining high-quality data through  Pair Distribution Function Analysis is a detector that covers a wide Q-range via a combination of wide angular coverage and utilization of high-energy X-rays. 

One of the first photon-counting detectors that were employed for this task was a MYTHEN model, due to its ability to build multi-modular systems (wide angular coverage), its 50-μm strip (resolution), its high dynamic range, and its efficiency at moderately high energies. However, with the rise of beamlines that use high X-ray energies, the focus has shifted to large-area pixel detectors with a CdTe sensor, which offers high efficiency for hard X-rays. Featuring no image lag and no afterglow, these detectors provide an opportunity to take static and dynamic measurements up to 100 keV. 
Laboratory diffractometers, meanwhile, operate with Mo or Ag X-ray sources and combine them with area EIGER2 detectors or linear MYTHEN2 systems. Angular coverage is achieved through wide sensors, as well as a frame rate that supports fast scanning modes.

  • We offer strip detectors with a thick Si sensor for the mid-range X-ray regime and CdTe detectors for hard X-rays.
  • Our detectors feature small pixels and strips with a high count rate for optimal resolution and data statistics.
  • Achieve wide angular coverage using our large-area pixel detectors and multi-modular microstrip detectors.

PDF at Synchrotron Sources

  • High efficiency of CdTe detectors for hard X-rays offer very short exposure times.
  • Count rates are sufficient for 4th-generation synchrotron sources.
  • Our detectors feature no image lag and no afterglow.

Most Frequently Used Products at Synchrotrons

PDF in Laboratories and Diffractometers

  • High angular coverage through large area detectors or multimodular strip detectors.
  • Long exposure times are possible without increasing noise.
  • High detective efficiency for Mo and Ag sources.

Most Frequently Used Products in Laboratories

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