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X-ray Crystallography
Corporate news // 20.12.2016
Ever heard of “Indisputable existence of Santa Claus”? Can mathematics prove the existence of Santa? And if he ...
Corporate news // 14.12.2016
DECTRIS is pleased to announce the latest firmware version for the MYTHEN2 detector series.
Corporate news // 12.12.2016
The high quality of our detectors and customer service is one of the pillars of DECTRIS’ success. The ISO 9001:2015 ...
Corporate news // 05.12.2016
DECTRIS is proud to introduce the EIGER X 500K. With frame rates up to 9000 Hz, it is the fastest HPC detector.
Corporate news // 01.12.2016
The DECTRIS application and training lab opens for intramural research and collaborations with interested ...
Success Stories // 23.11.2016
Serviced crystallography accelerates structure determination in the pharmaceutical industry.
Success Stories // 21.11.2016
DECTRIS smashes old world record for precision of pi To test a powerful new server, DECTRIS has determined pi to 22.4 ...
Corporate news // 14.11.2016
The Dutch Crystallographic Society invited experts to review how these groundbreaking equations and their ...
Corporate news // 28.10.2016
DECTRIS held its second Sales Workshop for OEM partners at the end of October. After concentrating on area detectors at ...
Corporate news // 28.09.2016
Last weekend, DECTRIS employees and their families gathered with users and partners to celebrate the tenth anniversary ...

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