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X-ray Crystallography
Corporate news // 11.02.2019
Our Marketing & Sales team was happy to welcome Angina Herrmann as the new Head of Marketing & Communications in ...
Corporate news // 15.01.2019
The DECTRIS Award recognizes innovative researchers and helps them share their findings with a broader audience at a ...
Corporate news // 14.01.2019
MYTHEN2 R 1D would love to accompany you on your next trip. It comes pre-packed, in the PLANET by xplorex.
Corporate news // 21.12.2018
Research done by our collaborator, PSI scientist Tim Grüne, on Micro Electron Diffraction has made it into Science ...
Corporate news // 06.12.2018
As part of Diamond’s ongoing commitment to providing the most state-of-the-art facilities to its users and ...
Corporate news // 04.12.2018
This November, DECTRIS USA have been working with customers for a full year. Its first year was spent building up the ...
Corporate news // 03.12.2018
Although everyone strives for perfection, a company shows its true colors when something goes wrong. Nobody buys a ...
Corporate news // 19.11.2018
Artem Kabanov, a DECTRIS-sponsored participant in this year's School, discusses top crystallography on the top of a ...
Corporate news // 12.11.2018
How do DECTRIS detectors impact life as we know it? Why did the DECTRIS founder win the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of ...
Success Stories // 05.11.2018
The upgraded diffractometer in the Barkla lab in Liverpool complements XFEL beamtime for the study of pH-dependent ...

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