Sep 09, 2021 - Sep 09, 2021

Webinar: Structural biology and crystal healing at Diamond Light Source.

Thursday, September 9, 2021
2 p.m. (CEST)
with Dr. Sam Horrell from the Diamond Light Source

Tackling complex problems in the field of structural biology has never been easy, but the corona crisis has made it particularly difficult. The answer? Good experimental setups and great collaborations.   

In this webinar, Dr. Sam Horrell, a beamline scientist at Diamond Light Source beamline I24, will present the current setup on I24 and the types of experiments you can perform there. He will also reflect on collaborative structural biology at Diamond and working with the Coronavirus Structural Taskforce, a collective of structural biologists assessing the quality of Coronavirus structures to aid in structure based drug design.

View recording here