Sep 01, 2020 - Sep 01, 2020

Webinar: Fast-Scanning Ptychography: The Implementation at the Australian Synchrotron XFM Beamline with the EIGER2 X 1M

Tuesday, September 01, 2020
9 a.m. (CEST) | 5 p.m. (AEST)
with Cameron M. Kewish from the 
ANSTO Australian Synchrotron

Ptychography is a super-resolution imaging method based on coherent diffractive imaging, which produces quantitative images with phase and absorption contrast. Phase contrast provides morphological information and is exceptionally useful in the hard X-ray imaging regime where absorption is comparatively weak – high contrast ultrastructure images can be obtained even from single-component specimens. 

In this webinar, Dr. Cameron M. Kewish, a research scientist at the ANSTO Australian Synchrotron, will present the implementation of fast-scanning ptychography and other microanalysis methods with the EIGER2 X 1M at the Australian Synchrotron XFM beamline; a development made possible in collaboration with La Trobe University, providing detailed phase images in parallel with the established XFM user operations.

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ANSTO is one of Australia’s largest and notable public research organizations in the field of nuclear science and technology. ANSTO is focused on finding solutions to major questions in science and thereby creating a more sustainable world.

Related news

Video presentation with Manuel Guizar-Sicairos from the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI): The state of the art and the future of ptychography