Aug 22, 2021 - Aug 26, 2021

Join us at MC Vienna 2021 with one click!

Whether from the comfort of our conference rooms, or our home offices, or a little hut in the Swiss mountains, on August 22-26, 2021 we are logging in to join you and leading microscopy experts at Microscopy Conference (MC) 2021, taking place digitally this year. Will you?

Our product managers and engineers, developers, and technology experts are looking forward to welcoming you to our digital exhibitor booth for a chat, one-on-one discussions, or just an update on our latest developments in the field of electron detection and hybrid-pixel technology. We will be happy to bring you up-to-speed with our product portfolio, to share with you the latest achievements of our detectors in materials science, and to learn more about you and your research needs. Register for our industry talk on August 23, at 12:45 p.m. for an exclusive presentation of the latest developments in hybrid-pixel electron detection.

Our previous talks and Microscopy Conference 2019 (MC Berlin)