Jul 07, 2021 - Jul 07, 2021

Webinar: High pressure XRD studies at APS

Wednesday, July 07, 2021
3 p.m. (CEST) / 8 a.m. (CT)
with Dr. Vitali Prakapenka from the GSECARS at APS

Investigation of processes that undergo in deep Earth is paved with many challenges: extreme pressure and temperature conditions, samples with various degrees of crystallinity, small amounts of sample, and weak diffraction signals. What does this mean for the experimental setup?

In this webinar, Dr. Vitali Prakapenka presents the 13-ID-D beamline at the Geo-Soil-Environment Center for advanced Radiation Studies (GSECARS). He will highlight how the experimental setup is used to unravel phase transitions of mantle minerals and core alloys and dynamics of core formation.

View recording here