Aug 02, 2021 - Aug 06, 2021

DXC 2021 – 70 years of X-ray technology & Science

From its humble beginning of 35 participants on the University of Denver campus, this year, the  Denver X-ray Conference will celebrate 70 years as the leading annual forum on general X-ray analysis, including both X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction.

Building on the success of the last year’s virtual conference, we are extremely pleased to meet the organizers, scientists and equipment producers in the DXC virtual space again! 

Dr. Marcus Mueller will present upgrades and enlargement of our EIGER2 X-ray detector family. Both X-ray diffractionists and X-ray spectroscopists can look forward to new features: speed, vacuum compatibility and optimized sensor size. 

Lucas Wagner will focus on speed: in his presentation, he will reveal how the upgrades of the MYTHEN2 detector allow users to obtain high quality XRD data faster. But, he also has interesting news for X-ray spectroscopy community – MYTHEN2 is now vacuum compatible. 
Both Marcus and Lucas will give their talks on 2nd of August, but no need to worry if you cannot make it! The conference app allows to you listen, interact, and explore the conference at any time! 

We congratulate the DXC team on the anniversary and wish you a great conference!