Feb 01, 2021 - Feb 06, 2021

DECTRIS at IUCr HPW 2021 – Virtual Conference

Bringing together scientists working in the field of high-pressure crystallography, the IUCr High-Pressure Workshop aims to discuss the latest achievements in fundamental research, techniques, and practical applications. Meet DECTRIS at our virtual exhibition, listen in on our presentation and find out more about how our EIGER2 CdTe detector series can be used for high-energy applications!

Join us and register for the conference here.

DECTRIS presentation

Join our presentation with Dr. Tilman Donath, Product Manager High Energy at DECTRIS, on Monday, February 1, 2021 at 15.00 CET. Learn more about how our EIGER2 CdTe detectors can be used for hard X-ray research under extreme conditions.

Watch the recording

DECTRIS virtual exhibition

Visit our virtual exhibition on Monday, February 1, 2021 from 16.00-17.00 CET and meet Dr. Tilman Donath, Product Manager High Energy at DECTRIS. He will be happy to chat and answer any questions you may have regarding his presentation. 

We are looking forward to meeting you at the virtual IUCr HPW 2021!