Feb 08, 2021 - Feb 10, 2021

DECTRIS at ESRF UM 2021 – Virtual Conference

The virtual ESRF User Meeting is an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest research and technical news at the ESRF. DECTRIS will be present with a virtual booth and will take part in the poster session.

Join us and register for the conference here.

DECTRIS virtual booth at ESRF UM 

DECTRIS will be present with a virtual booth, where you can visit us throughout Tuesday, February 9, 2021 from 09.00 - 17.00 CET. You can look forward to meeting and chatting with our experts and learning more about our EIGER2 detector systems.

DECTRIS poster session “EIGER2 detector systems: tools for advanced X-ray studies”

Join our poster session with Dr. Stefan Brandstetter, Head of Product Management at DECTRIS, on Monday, February 8, 2021 at 17.00 CET. Learn more about how our EIGER2 detectors can be used for advanced X-ray studies.

We are looking forward to meeting you at the virtual ESRF UM 2021!