Apr 29, 2020 - May 01, 2020

AXAA 2020 - canceled due to COVID-19

The meeting of the Australian X-ray Analytical Association (AXAA) is an essential event for users and developers of X-ray synchrotron and laboratory analytical techniques.

At this year's AXAA, our representative Dr. Dubravka Šišak Jung will cover several topics on X-ray analytical applications for both academia and industry.

On 29th of April, Dr. Jung will join a technology forum and present the use of MYTHEN2 and EIGER2 detectors for powder X-ray diffraction, small angle scattering, WD-XRF, XANES and EXAFS. Want to know more? Then make sure to join the live demo session and discover HPC detectors integrated in a variety of laboratory diffractometers and SAXS instruments.

For those curious about polymorphism of organic materials, Dr. Dubravka Šišak Jung has prepared a scientific contribution on monitoring phase transitions in real time and in situ, using a laboratory powder X-ray diffraction.

Visit our booth #11 to meet Dr. Dubravka Šišak Jung to discuss your needs and requirements for detector technologies.


AXAA 2020